For Green Leftist Political Education and Organizing

The Green Garret is an independent left green source for political news and commentary, political education, and organizing. Follow us here and on your favorite social media platform for the latest updates!

Green Politics

Talking about Green politics, particularly within the Green Party of the United States. (All opinions are solely my own and do not represent GPUS or others unless noted.)

Social Ecology

Political education about Social Ecology, a political philosophy that integrates socialist politics with ecological ethics.

Math & Science

Education about mathematics and science, particularly in relation to how to understand science arguments for civic goals and understand details of technical plans like the Green New Deal.

Local Organizing

Local organizing near Garret's home in southwestern Pennsylvania. If you live outside the region, this may still be interesting to you for inspiration on how to organize on your own community!

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Find my latest essays and announcements on Substack and MediumFind my latest videos and commentary on YoutubeFollow me on Mastodon, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok for quick updates